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Técnico Alumni Network platform

Instituto Superior Técnico is about to launch a digital platform for alumni.

I was the UX Designer of the team.

Main Tasks

  • Platform customization

  • User journey development

  • Progress and customization reports

  • Usability tests

  • Solving usability issues

  • Meetings with Hivebrite Team

  • Launch plan

  • Content plan


  • Build a strong Alumni/Técnico relationship

  • Develop an important networking platform

  • Create an Alumni community regardless of course

  • Encourage activities and meetings

  • Fundraising/ social responsibility

  • Encourage greater participation in School activities


Hivebrite Platform | Figma | Miro | Notion | Trello

Working with Reality vs. Expectations


I can't disclose everything, but there are important moments and lessons learned in this journey that I can tell you.


We had to deal with platform limitations. At first this was a little frustrating, but it quickly became an exhilarating challenge, and we were able to use this to our advantage.


I’ve built a report with the goals we would like to achieve and the analysis of the platform's potential.

  • What did we need to customize?

  • What features would we use and why?

  • What were the feature limitations? Which was the best solution plan (plan A) and what was the possible solution (plan B)?


I've included the best plan because it could provide insights for the rest of the team and myself in the future. The thought was "Keep it Simple. But how can we achieve the goals and build a good user journey?"


We had the opportunity to have several meetings with the platform's contracted company. So, I built an objective report with all the team's doubts, suggestions for improvement and questions about some features that were written in the contract and in the admin manual that wasn't working well at that time.


This report had 17 topics and each issue was ranked in priority levels. I used red flags for High level; yellow flags for medium level and green flags for low level. The meanings were explained in a caption that could be accessed while reading the document.


The meeting was very productive. We were able to solve 8 issues at the meeting on the following day. However, 6 issues could not be solved (they were really platform limitations), then I activated plan B for these ones. And 3 questions were left to see the possibility of being solved through tickets with the responsible sector.


After this meeting we were able to really get an overview of the platform with its potentials and limitations. Thus, we were able to build a more realistic plan of customization, user journey and tasks that needed to be done by each team member and who we needed to include in discussions and decision-making within the institution. The IT sector received a specific and detailed report and was able to be part of the next meetings to come, which was fundamental for the project's success. I learned a lot from the seniors, and I am very happy that I played an important role in this trajectory, besides that I was able to write the reports, make the customizations, classify the priority levels of problems and tasks and build the user journey for this project.

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